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Peer-reviewed publications

  1. Eisen, K. E., Ma, R., and R. A. Raguso. 2022. Among- and within-population variation in floral morphology and scent in a hawkmoth pollinated plant. American Jounal of Botany: doi: 10.1002/ajb2.16030 Special issue on "Approaches to the Study of Quantitative Fitness-Related Traits.''

  2. Eisen, K. E., Geber, M. A., and R. A. Raguso. 2021. Emission rates of species-specific volatiles vary across communities of Clarkia species: Evidence for multi-modal character displacement. The American Naturalist 199: 824-840. doi: 10.1086/715501

  3. Eisen, K. E., Siegmund, G.-F., Watson, M. A., and M. A. Geber. 2022. Variation in the location and timing of experimental severing demonstrates that the persistent rhizome serves multiple functions in a clonal forest understory herb. Functional Ecology 36: 356-367. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13970

  4. Godsoe, W., Eisen, K. E., Sirianni, K., and D. Stanton. 2021. Transmission bias's fundamental role in biodiversity change. Theoretical Ecology 14: 367-379. doi: 10.1007/s12080-020-00478-3

  5. Eisen, K. E., Wruck, A.C., and M. A. Geber. 2020. Floral density and co-occurring congeners alter patterns of selection in annual plant communities. Evolution 74: 1682-1698. doi: 10.1111/evo.13960; digest covering this paper, doi: 10.1111/evo.14055.

  6. Eisen, K. E., Campbell, D. R., Richards, E., and M. A. Geber. 2019. Differences in flowering phenology are likely not the product of competition for pollination in Clarkia communities. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180: 974-986. doi: 10.1086/705607 Special issue on floral trait evolution

  7. Caruso, C. M., Eisen, K. E., Martin, R. A., and N. Sletvold. 2019. A meta analysis of the agents of selection on floral traits. Evolution 73: 4-14. doi: 10.1111/evo.13639

  8. Eisen, K. E., and M. A. Geber. 2018. Ecological sorting and character displacement in communities of coexisting Clarkia species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1440–1458. doi: 10.1111/jeb.13365

  9. Eisen, K. E., Case, A. L., and C. M. Caruso. 2017. Variation in pollen presentation in Lobelia siphilitica. International Journal of Plant Sciences 178: 79–84. doi: 10.1086/688961 Featured Cover Article

  10. Caruso, C. M., Eisen, K. E., and A. L. Case. 2016. A phylogenetic analysis of gynodioecy and its correlates in the flowering plants. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177: 115–121. doi: 10.1086/684260 Featured Cover Article

  11. Eisen, K. E. and A. Barker Plotkin. 2015. Forty years of forest measurements support steadily increasing aboveground biomass in a maturing, Quercus-dominant northeastern forest. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 142: 97-112. doi: 10.3159/TORREY-D-14-00027.1

Book reviews & digests

  1. Eisen, K. E. 2018. Digest: A new approach to an old question: using experimental evolution to investigate the evolution of generalized pollination. Evolution 72: 2825–2827.doi: 10.1111/evo.13638

  2. Eisen, K. E. 2017. Digest: Trait variation in Mimulus provides new evidence for the joint action of ecological sorting and character displacement. Evolution 71: 1425–1427. doi: 10.1111/evo.13233

  3. Petipas, R. H.* and Eisen, K. E.* 2016. The Roots and Shoots of Plant Evolutionary Ecology. A review of G. P. Cheplick 2015. Approaches to Plant Evolutionary Ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31: 409-410. *Authors contributed equally. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2016.02.007